How To Get More Views on TikTok: 8 Tips to Help You Out In 2024!

Getting more video views on TikTok isn’t just about luck—it’s about being creative, strategic, and consistent.

Whether it’s jumping on TikTok trends, engaging with your audience, or interacting with your TikTok followers, knowing how to work the platform can make a huge difference. In today’s blog, we’ll share practical tips to help you get noticed and grow your TikTok following.

How To Get More Views on TikTok

There are tons of ways by which you can get more views on TikTok; these include interacting with trending videos, using TikTok promote, adding trending hashtags to captions, and re-uploading content at the right time, among many others.

Let’s delve deeper into each of these now!

Interact with trending videos

When it comes to getting more views on TikTok, interacting with the current trending videos is the best way to garner a lot of attention for your videos.

Focus on creating TikTok content that resonates with the audience and TikTok followers and aligns with trending topics to increase visibility.

Also, engage with popular videos by liking, commenting, and sharing them to build connections with other TikTok users and influencers on the platform.

For finding trending video content, the best is to use TikTok hashtags. Use the right hashtags to find trending topics and participate in discussions around them.

Use TikTok “Promote”

Next in the queue is the method of using TikTok promote. This feature allows you to turn your existing videos into TikTok ads with a few taps and it is available for all TikTok accounts, and can be accessed directly within the app.

TikTok Promote can help you gain views, and traffic to your website, or build a bigger following on the platform.

Just remember that this feature only works for public videos and videos without copyrighted sound. and promoted videos can get rejected if they violate TikTok’s guidelines.

Add hashtags to Your Captions

Who doesn’t use hashtags nowadays? Use popular and relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your TikTok content.

When choosing the right hashtags, research and explore different hashtags to find the most effective ones for your niche.

Add TikTok hashtags to your captions and comments section to make your content discoverable by TikTok users who are interested in the topics you are discussing.

Reupload your content at the “right time”

Posting consistently and posting consistently at the right time are two different things that every user on the platform should pay attention to.

Posting consistently at optimal times helps you get your TikTok algorithm set and can boost your visibility and engagement. Start experimenting with different posting schedules to find the best time for your target audience.

Make sure you are posting videos at times when your audience is most active and engaged on the social media platform, TikTok. For this, you can use various TikTok analytics tools and get a deeper insight into your audience’s activity on the platform.

Promote your content on other platforms

Cross-posting TikTok videos on other social media platforms like Instagram stories, posts, Twitter, and Facebook can increase their visibility and reach by introducing them to new audiences.

You can simply embed your TikTok videos on your blog post and make them more accessible to your audience and TikTok followers. This encourages engagement and boosts your overall TikTok views.

Similarly, adding TikTok videos to your website’s sidebar can make them more visible and direct attention to them.

Collaborate with other TikTok influencers

Collaborating with other TikTok creators and influencers can increase the reach of your videos and establish you as a valuable content creator.

Working with other creators can help you learn from them, tap into their audience base, and improve your TikTok content.

TikTok collaborations can lead to new opportunities for growth and partnerships in the future.

Make Shorter and Engaging Videos

The ideal video length for TikTok can vary, but generally, videos between 15 to 60 seconds tend to perform well and get the “viral video” tag on the platform. TikTok is a platform that thrives on short-form content, so creating shorter videos and more engaging content can increase your visibility and reach.

Make sure you are making content that is easily digestible and doesn’t take much effort for people to understand/process.

To get that perfect TikTok video length count, you can experiment with different video lengths, see what works best among your audience, and accordingly plan your future content.

Post Regularly

Posting regularly on TikTok is crucial for maintaining a consistent presence and increasing engagement.

Consistency is key to building an audience on TikTok and it is just not limited to the posting content. It is equally essential to maintain a consistent tone and style across your content.

TikTok’s algorithm favors creators who are active on the platform, so posting regularly can also help you stay relevant and increase your chances of getting featured on the ForYou page.

Once your videos start to get good views on the platform, you can sign up for the TikTok creator fund and start monetizing your content too!

Why am I getting low views on TikTok?

The reason why your video has low views on TikTok is because of various factors like low engagement, multi-niche content, new accounts, etc.

Let’s explore each of these points more in detail!

Low engagement

Low engagement can be due to various factors, such as posting content that doesn’t resonate with your audience, posting too frequently, or posting too infrequently.

So it is essential to understand your audience and tailor your content to their interests to increase engagement.

Make sure you experiment with different posting schedules and content types to find what works best for your audience.

Multi niche content (not focusing on one niche)

Posting multiple videos across multiple niches can dilute your audience and make it harder to attract a dedicated following.

Focus on a specific niche or topic to build a strong reputation and attract viewers who are interested in that area.

Understand that consistency is key to building an audience, so it’s crucial to maintain a consistent tone and style across your content.

Your account might be new

If your account is new, TikTok might take some time to establish trust with your profile; hence, it may take some time for your content to gain traction and attract viewers.

In this period, make sure you focus on creating high-quality content, following all the platform guidelines, and engaging with your audience to build a following.

As said earlier, consistency and persistence are key to building an audience on TikTok!

Inappropriate content

Posting inappropriate content can lead to a significant decrease in TikTok views and engagement.

TikTok has a consolidated list of guidelines that it expects all of its users to follow, so ensure that your content aligns with TikTok’s community guidelines and is appropriate for all ages.

Be mindful of the content you post and avoid any content that could be considered offensive or inappropriate.

You aren’t using the right hashtag

The right hashtag is that secret ingredient that can boost your content’s view, TikTok marketing, and your content marketing efforts. Using the right hashtags is crucial to making your content discoverable to a wider audience.

Invest time and research popular hashtags in your niche and include them in your captions to increase visibility. Use a mix of niche-specific and broader hashtags to reach a wider audience.


Now we know that boosting your social media views is all about creating genuine content, leveraging trends, connecting with your audience, and making the TikTok algorithm know you.

By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to more visibility and a bigger fan base. Keep experimenting, stay dedicated, and enjoy watching your TikTok presence flourish.

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Kartik Ahuja
Kartik Ahuja
Articles: 20

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